Problems caused by overpopulation


We are going to talk about some of the problems caused by overpopulation .First let me tell you about Population What is population. Well, Generally speaking population is know as the total numbers of People living in a certain area for a long time .The counting or keeping records of these individuals is known as censuses .Now let us get to the main topic and discuss overpopulation .Overpopulation is cause when the death rate is less then the growth rate. Because when people keep getting born and less people die it will increase the population of that area .There are some problems that occur due to let's us begin

#1 Food problems:

                                                 It is common sense that when the number individuals increase the demand for food also increase. Because a new born baby want nutrition to grow so he/her have to eat well to be healthy. According to experts if the demand of food increase about 50% it will take a very big toll on the economy of a country because to provide the food they have to get some material and have to expand the land for the growth of more grain and fibers. It is a very big decision because to acquire the land they have to cut down a whole forest and it will cause  very useful natural material to be lost.

#2 Deforestation:

                                         Deforestation means the complete and permanent removal of a whole forest .It is because we have to acquire the land to build new houses and to plant new factories to full the need of peoples. Deforestation causes many problems some which are these 1)Loss of useful materials and minerals 2)soil erosion 3) fewer crops other than it causes flood and change in climate.

#3 Extinction of Species:

                     Extinction of Species mean the complete destruction of a certain kind of animals like tigers form Earth. It is a very serious matter because it disturb the natural food cycle. Because when a part of cycle got damage the nature will be damage. There are two main reasons for extinction of species one of the is Habitual loss  and the other reason loss of genetic variation .According to Wild Life Federation nearly 20 plant and animal species get extinctic in 1hour.

#4 Depletion of Natural Recourses:

                                                                                         Depletion of natural recourse is a very serious issue that has to  be dealt with as soon as possible. Because if it is not solved it will cause  many problems in near future. The major reason foe  Depletion in natural recourses is  deforestation due to cutting down of trees we loss a very large amount oxygen and when carbon dioxide and cfc gas react it cause the depletion of ozone that cause many skin as well as global problems so in this way everything is connected and if one get's disturb others will also be effected.    

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