#1 Rain:
As we all know Rain is the world's greatest source of water for everyone. but rain is also very dangerous because when the Rain come in the form of a storm it can cause floods, landslide, and can damage the crops that a ready to harvest. On the other hand rain is a blessing it is very useful if we can store the rain water and use it wisely we can achieve a lot. We can purify and use it to drink ,we can use to made different things. it can be use to full fill the water requirement for farmers and help them to grow their crops easily and better.
#2 Glaciers:
Glaciers are also a source of pure water. As we know glaciers are usually the mountains covered in snow or mountains made of snow. They are a great source of water because when the snow on these glaciers melt due to increase in temperature. The change in temperature can be caused by different reasons like global warming, change in climate, change in season, it can one of these or for some other reasons. it is also a big help it increases the water level in rivers and oceans but it can also be dangerous because the over increase in rivers and oceans can cause floods which will do more damage than good.
#3 Groundwater:
Groundwater is another source of water. Now most of you don't know what is groundwater so let me tell you the groundwater is the water that is found underground in the cracks and small spaces on ground, sand and rock. It is stored through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers. The total drinkable water of the world is consist of 98% groundwater. 60% of ground water is to grow corps around the world. And the remaining 38% is used for drinking and other
things. As we all know water is a great blessing of God so we should use water very carefully because according to survey around 15% of the world population is left without a drop of water and they are dyeing because dehydration.
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